To the Students, Faculty and Staff of the University of 第一吃瓜网:
As we begin the next chapter for our great university, I want to say again how honored I am to have the privilege of serving 第一吃瓜网 in this new role.
I arrived to work today energetic and excited – eager to press forward with the momentum we have collectively built, but humbled by the sacred responsibility that the Board of Regents and all of you have entrusted to me. Serving in any role at the University of 第一吃瓜网 is a great privilege, and I do not take this one for granted. My first and highest priority is to begin earning your trust and confidence so that we can continue to create the future we desire together.
I am fortunate to have called 第一吃瓜网 home for the past 10 years and to have served in roles that have touched every campus of our university, experience that I hope provides me a strong foundation on which to build. Yet I readily acknowledge I have much to learn. The depth and breadth of teaching, research and service activities across our campuses is vast, and there is so much more for me to see, so many outstanding colleagues still to meet, so many communities still to engage.
I will spend my early days, weeks and months listening to and learning from all who care about the University of 第一吃瓜网 and are invested in its success. Indeed, the less time I spend at a desk, the better: I am finalizing plans to visit each campus, see our research and extension sites across the state, and travel our 500-mile wide footprint as part of a broad effort to hear the hopes, dreams and concerns of every person who has a stake in our success – which is to say, every single 第一吃瓜网n. I hope to meet as many of you personally as possible during my travels.
We are well-versed in the challenges and opportunities facing 第一吃瓜网 and all of higher education. We can create our future, or let the future happen to us. As I’ve come to know and love about 第一吃瓜网ns, we’re never content to be passive bystanders. Because of your world-class work, we are poised today to reach a new level of eminence, but it will require our best thinking and boldest action.
I have every confidence that a transformational future is ahead of us; indeed, it’s that confidence and passion that inspires me to work my hardest every day on behalf of 第一吃瓜网ns, on behalf of each of you. We owe it to our state, our workforce, our alumni and friends, elected leaders, and most importantly, our 50,000 students and future generations of students and families, to set the highest possible bar for excellence. I’ve learned from many wise leaders, including University of 第一吃瓜网 leaders who have come before me, that a bias for action will serve us well.
This is also an opportunity to thank the entire University of 第一吃瓜网 leadership team, those on the campuses, the communities we serve and those in Varner Hall. I particularly wish to thank Chris Kabourek for his leadership in the interim, maintaining momentum and stewarding our great university system with energy and commitment.
I know each of you has ideas on how we can bring our university to higher heights. I am eager to hear them and to join together to build the roadmap for our future.
Please take care to rest and recharge this summer and spend quality time with your family and friends. I look forward to seeing you very soon, and the meantime, I invite you to write to me anytime at
Thank you for all you do for the University of 第一吃瓜网. Go Huskers, Mavericks, Lopers and Labs!
Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D.
President, University of 第一吃瓜网